Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I should have been blogging about my adventures sooner, but it's better late than never to start now. I've met so many amazing people through my dancing. Who knew how powerful dancing could be, and the impact it could make on other people's lives, art, or experience. I've met all kinds of people, everywhere from celebrities to the real movers and shakers, some of which didn't once judge me as being "crazy" or "out of this world" though being those is some sort of genius.

I moved to New York a little over two years ago, and I've grown exponentially into my own person, though I've always been just me, through my dancing. My style has evolved, people recognize me based on my dance moves alone. I have anyone from the poorest person on the street to the richest man walking by, take notice, be captivated by my energy and free spirit, wondering who I am, why I do what I do, etc.

Anyhow, I will summarize briefly all my adventures to date on another blog post, and then stay on top of at least updating two or three times a week. :D Enjoy!